Friday, December 12, 2008

Prayer and Planning

 As the new year approaches there seems to be a new challenge in front of Connie and I. Naturally, sense something new is ahead, something old is being left behind. Change is inevitable and it is something that we should all be prepared for. We can not totally be prepared for what we don't expect but, we can pray. I believe that prayer is one of the ways God prepares us for change. 

At the end of the month, I will no longer be the youth pastor at Calvary Chapel Sonora. Actually my last Wednesday (December 17th) will mark the 15 year anniversary of doing youth ministry at Calvary Chapel. The only other thing I have done for that long is being married to Connie.

Because you are at this blog site, you know, that I am a part of a church plant to Angels Camp, so this isn't the change I speak of.  The change I am thinking of is leaving 15 years of youth ministry and the relationships that go along with it. I know that I am not walking away, never to see them again but the fact is, what I've done for so long is ceasing. 

Now that I've caught you up to speed, here are my thoughts. As I began preparing for Sunday it became apparent to me that God knows what he is doing (this is not something new to me). I began reading Nehemiah 2:1-8 and realized that when this man, Nehemiah stood before the King he was prepared. He knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to ask. What got him to this point was his prayer life, Nehemiah was a man of prayer.  This is what I am asking of you, pray for us. Don't stop. Pray that God will give us boldness to take on the tasks He has set before us. In my travels to Angels Camp I have found a lot of oppression and spiritual bondage. I have no desire to stand toe to toe with Satan and yet I know that in order to be obedient to the call Jesus has placed on my life, engaging in the spiritual battle is necessary. The full armor is going to be required and the playing field isn't going to be fair, but Jesus has the victory.  So please pray for us as we seek to bring glory to God as we follow Jesus.

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