Yesterday, during our weekly prayer meeting for Angels Camp, I updated the group with the latest conversation I had with the church board. During our last board meeting, I requested to switch my schedule so that I would be able to start a Bible study in Angels Camp on Sunday evenings. The board agreed to my schedule change as long as it was what Jesus was leading me to do. The more time I spend seeking the Lord the more He confirms that Angels Camp is where we are supposed to be. This is both encouraging and frightening at the same time.
After the update, we read Nehemiah 3, one of those chapters with so many names that it took us twice as long to read it due to our fumbling over the correct pronunciation, which we probably didn't get right anyway. I was encouraged because Isaak has decided that he wants to pray with us and he even took a shot at reading the scripture. It is amazing to have my son seeking God with me.
We talked about how the work that lies ahead isn't supposed to be done by just one man. We recognized that it does take one man who is willing to go before the King on behalf of the people to get the ball rolling.
We agreed that the most important part of this church plant is that God would get the glory due His name while we stick to His word as we seek God's direction for the people of Angels Camp. We ended our time with a sweat time of prayer.
I will update you as to when we will begin our first Bible study. Thanks for checking in with us and please continue to pray for us as we seek to glorify our savior Jesus Christ.